Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls

 Biography of Bear Grylls:-

All of you will know about Bear Grylls that he is very fond of visiting and learning about new places. If someone speaks to Bayer Grylls to go to hell, he will happily go there too. Bare Grylls has a fairly popular TV show. The show used to appear on the Discovery Channel.

Bare Grylls is a person who can survive in any corner of the world.Bayer can call popular people like Barack Obama and Kate Winslet into the woods to eat snakes and scorpions. Many people have seen these shows of Bayer and believe that he is the true Survivor of the world and can live in any kind of circumstances. If you also consider all these things of Bayer as the ultimate truth, then we remove this misconception of yours today. Bear Grylls has been making Babu all of you till date and you are probably also becoming.

Born in Ireland on 7 June 1974, she is a British adventurer, writer and TV anchor. His father Sir Michael Grylls was a politician and Mother Sarah Gravy also belonged to the political family. He also has an elder sister Lara, Grylls was only 7 days old when his sister named him Beer. He did his early education from Ludgrove School Of course, Beer was fond of Out Door activities since childhood.

And he understood that he was not made for a normal 9 to 5 job. His father was a member of the Royal Yacht Squadron and had learned grills climbing and sailing with him at a very young age and learned skydiving in his early teens. Having earned a black belt at Shotokon Karate, he graduated from Eton College where he formed his first Mountaineering Club and came back home after completing college.

Beer thought of pursuing a career in MI5 as a security service but his It was necessary to learn Spanish and German, so he studied Spanish and German from the University of Western of England. At the same time, Beer and his friends applied to the British Army, in which beer was successful in clearing the difficult selection process and from 1994 to 1997 Till became part of the SAS regiment.

Military reserve service:-

After leaving school, Grylls considered joining the Indian Army and spent a few months walking the Himalayan mountain range in Sikkim and West Bengal, Assam. From 1994 to 1997, after enlisting in the United Kingdom Special Forces, he served part-time with 21 Regiment Special Air Services, 21 SAS (R) of the United Kingdom Special Forces as cavalry, life-saving instructor and patrol therapist. He claims to have served twice in North Africa.In 1996, he succumbed to a parachuting freefall accident in Kenya. His umbrella exploded at 1,600 feet (500 m), partly due to its opening, so that he fell down on the parachute pack on his back, which partially fractured his three vertebrae.

Grylls later said: "I should have cut the main parachute and taken to the reserve, but I thought it was time to solve the problem. According to his surgeon, Grylls was suffering from lactation for a lifetime." Narrowly survived "and at first it was doubtful whether they would ever be able to walk again. Grylls spent the next 18 months traveling to and from Headley Court's military recovery center before his release [and his own climb to Mount Everest. Strived to fulfill the childhood dream.

Former SAS soldier Chris Ryan said he did not believe that Grylls' spinal cord was severed during an SAS campaign in Africa and that Grylls had exaggerated stories of his military life. Ryan said: "Bare Grylls keeps on talking about an African campaign.

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